Hydroponics Manager that help you cultivate hydroponics vegetables in home. You can select a seed then drag into empty pots or remove to another empty pot. You can change date and time for each seed and note height, total leaf and picture for each plant. You can note pH,EC,total insert water,nutrient A/B, acid for each day. If you want to see old data you can create file with extension .CSV and open with excel or notepad etc,. You can share picture or file to someone to help you improve process cultivate.
- setting pots (max 12`) and tray (max 12)
- select seed : redoak, greenoak, redcoral, butter, cherokee, fillie, greencos, sparta
- memo parameter water: pH,EC,total insert water,nutrient A/B, acid for each day
- memo growth plant: height, leaf, picture
- show age for each plant.
- notify before 4 day harvest for treat no nutrient water
- notify when plant age 45 day for harvest
- setting notify to change water or insert nutrient A/B
- calculator insert nutrient A/B
- count harvested plants in right top and can reset when click bar number